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Thursday, August 26, 2010

New courses means...... NEW PEOPLE!

I'm the only one in my english class that is in the leisure program and for the first class, the teacher asked us to do an interesting thing. He asked us to interview someone we didn't know, that means everybody for me, and to write a text about this person on our blog. Teachers used to ask students to write about them, not about other people and that's how I met Esther Mutombo.
Basically, Esther seems like an ordinary student but she's not, she has her unique life story. Esther is studying her second year of a D.E.C. in humain sciences at Cégep of Saint-Laurent. First thing I realize about her, is that she's really kind and maybe a little bit shy, but Esther is a really good person. Her family and her comes from Africa, actually, from Congo. Her parents, brother and sister live with her in Montréal but the rest of her family is still lliving in Congo. Eight years had pass from the day she first came here, but she never returned there to see her family. Esther told me that one of her goal is to go in South Africa to discover this country and how people live there. Maybe she could go see her family during this trip? That could be a possibility.

She should now talk about future. With her diploma, Esther aspires to become an embassador for Canada in an other country and she wants to travel a lot everywhere. That's why she wants to go at the University of Ottawa, because her diploma is going to be good everywhere if she go there.
She wants to study a lot, but Esther has a lot of favorites activities when it's time to have fun. She love to play soccer and basketball with her brother and sister. She really loves volleyball too, even if she's not in the school's team. She loves music like R&B, pop and.... Gospel! Yes, gospel, even if she had never seen a gospel mass. But she's been singing in her church's choirs for fives years. That's a common point, I've sang in a choirs too, many years ago.
Another thing about Esther, is that, like every students in the school, she's really proud of her last session in cegep. Because, even if she had difficulties, she'd pass all her courses.
That's Esther Mutombo, the girl that i've met in my english class. Maybe a friend in become or only a kind girl in my thursday morning english class.

1 comment:

  1. Contents 1
    Text development 2
    Vocab / sentence style 2
    Grammar 2-
    Level 2
